  • iconP.O Box 634 Masaka, Uganda
  • iconinfo@masaka.go.ug

Masaka District Local Government


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Geographical Features

Geographical Characteristic: Masaka District is one of the oldest districts in Uganda. Originally, it consisted of Rakai, Kalangala, Sembabule, Kalungu, Bukomansimbi and Lwengo making it once the largest district in Uganda. Today Masaka has been reduced in size after Rakai, Kalangala, Sembabule, Kalungu, Bukomansimbi and Lwengo were elevated to the district status.


Masaka District is situated about 37 kms, away from the equator towards the south and lies between 00-25 south, and 340 East, having an average altitude of 1150m above sea level. Bukomansimbi boards the district in the south east, Kalungu in the north, Rakai and Lwengo in the west and south, and Kalangala District in the east. Masaka District Local Government Rolled Development Plan 2010/2011 – 2014/2015 1.3.3 Topography:
Masaka district has a total area of about 1603.3sq. kilometers of which land area is 803.5sq.Kilometers. The landscape and topography in general is rolling and undulating with vertical gully heads and valley bottom swamps including streams flowing to lakes and rivers. Most parts of the district are dotted with the hills.



The soil texture is varied from place to place ranging from red laterite, sandy loam and loam but is in general productive. Soils are generally Ferrallitic, characterized by red coloured sandy clay loams within the Municipality and yellowish sandy loams in the surrounding areas. Along the shores of Lake Victoria, soils are hydromorphic.


There is a huge amount of water flows through streams to lake and river every year more especially in rainy season.


Rainfall, temperature, Humidity and Winds. The Climate of Masaka District is tropical in nature, being modified by relief and nearness to Lake Victoria. The rainfall pattern is bimodal having two seasons with dry spells between July and August, and January to March. The months of March, April and May receive very heavy and well-distributed rains of up to 1,200mm. The second season occurs in the months of September to December. With the exception of a few years of declining trend in precipitation, the annual average rainfall received is between 1100mm – 1200mm with 100 – 110 rainy days. The average maximum temperature does not exceed 300 C and the minimum not below 100 C with almost equal length of day and night throughout the year. The humidity level is generally low throughout the district with the exception of lakeshore areas where it tends to rise.