Demographic Characteristics: The total population of Masaka District is 228,170 according to 2002 census. The population is disaggregated as follows: 111,327 are males and 116,843 females. The population density basing on the 2002 census is 248 persons per sq km as compared to 224 in 1991. Masaka District has an average household size of 4.3.
This reflects a stable fertility behaviour in the distrct for the last 20 years. The district populations grew by 1.7% in the last 11 years from 694,697 in 1991 (Sembabule district excluded) to 770,662 in 2002 (including Lwengo, Kalungu and Bukomansimbi district). The majority of the population were females as depicted by a sex ration of 95 males per 100 females. The population of the district is younger with children (below 18 years) constituting about 58% of the total district population. The youth constitute about 20% while the elderly (60 years and above) were 6%. The population is currently (2011) projected to be 249200 people. The District has a rich cultural heritage. It has also diversity in ethnicity. The majority of the people are Baganda (77%) followed by Banyankole (9%), Banyarwanda (8%) and the rest (6%) are small tribes. Most of the tribes practice Buganda cultures.