  • iconP.O Box 634 Masaka, Uganda
  • iconinfo@masaka.go.ug

Masaka District Local Government


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Coffee Growing

is the policy-making organ of the
Local Government


about 37 kms, away from the equator towards the south and lies
between 00-25 south, and 340 East.


We aim to achieve sustainable socio-economic
development through efficient provision
of quality services to the people of Masaka district

Chair Person LC-V


Jude Mbabali

I am pleased to welcome you to the Masaka District Local Government..

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District CAO


Mr. Mugagga

The District is one of the oldest in Uganda...

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Recent News and Events

Masaka District Council is the policy-making organ of the Local Government.
The District is headed by the LCV Chairperson who is supported by an Executive of members, Sectoral Committees which; deliberate policy matters and make recommendations to the full Council of 30 Councilors [District Chairperson, 15 directly elected councilors, 10 woman councilors, two representing youth, two representing people with disabilities].

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Demographic Characteristics

Demographic Characteristics: The total population ...
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

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The Technical team

The Technical team is headed by the Chief Administ...
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

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The Technical team

The Technical team is headed by the Chief Administ...
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

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Demographic Characteristics

Demographic Characteristics: The total population ...
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

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